Saturday, February 16, 2008

Learning about life from a dying man

"Tuesdays with Morrie", a relatively short book (or audio CD if you listen rather than read) by Mitch Albom, a journalist hearing 16 years after graduation that his former sociology professor or 'coach' is terminally ill and preparing a thesis about life from taped conversations with the ill on Tuesdays. An important book. Touching - not primarily because of the disease consuming and then killing the old man, but because its about all of us who live, about what is important and what is not. Its about the value of people, family, loved ones, friends, time, about essential vs superficial things and behaviors. I cannot imagine that anyone is not learing something from this dying man. His messages are honest because he has nothing to loose, his messages are simple but still surprising and disturbing. I wished I could convince my mother now and my child when he is a man to read or hear it. The audio CD adds to the book the voice of the teacher and the student, making it even more authentic and emotional. Yes, it made me cry and I am not ashamed of it. For those in Chesterfield: The audio book is at the public library.

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